Psycho-Educational Assessments
Psycho-Educational Assessments
Subject Choice Assessments
What are Subject Choice Assessments?
A subject choice assessment is aimed at supporting Grade 9 pupils to make informed decisions about their subject choices for their Gr 10-12 academic years. Decisions based on self-knowledge (interests, personality preferences, abilities, values) gained as a result of the assessment, combined with information about the world of studies and work, equips pupils with the ability to make informed decisions for their futures.
The assessment battery includes psychometric tools that allow one to gather information regarding a pupil's personal interests, personality preferences, academic and/or cognitive abilities, and values. The test battery below gives a general guideline but the actual test battery and areas to be assessed will be finalised according to each client’s specific needs, as determined during the intake session.
Aptitude: Differential Aptitude Test (Form S or L)
Additional questionnaires and screeners are added according to the client's needs.
Does your child need a Subject Choice Assessment?
For some adolescents (and their parents), the process of choosing subjects can be stressful. Many pupils are uncertain about their choices and options and benefit from a guided and supportive process in order to help them reach clarity regarding suitable subject choices going forwards. An assessment helps pupils to engage with the process in a confident and assured manner.
If you answered yes to uncertainty it will be highly advised your child performs a subject choice assessment.
Services offered are:
Child Psychologist Strand, Child Psychologist Gordons bay, Educational Psychologist Strand, Educational Psychologist Gordons bay, ADHD Cape Town