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Accommodation Assessments

What is an Accomodation Assessment?

Accommodation assessments enable pupils with intrinsic learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities the opportunity to achieve academic success without giving them an advantage over other students but without disadvantaging the pupil. It is a constitutional imperative that we do not treat children ‘the same as’ but rather treat them with equal respect and dignity. This shift in framework allows for children to be granted accommodations that do not advantage them but put them on an equal footing in the classroom. An inclusionary ethos in schools must be driven by policy, management, teachers, parents and children.

What are the criteria for accomodations??

General accommodations: Time, reader, scribe/computer, handwriting, medication/food intake, practical assistant, prompter, rest breaks, separate venue, specific equipment, spelling.


Immigrant status: Language support in the case of foreign language policy e.g. translator, dictionary, exemption from the second language (Please note: Children may only be exempt from the second language from Grade 10 to Grade 12 but there may be an extraordinary accommodation in lower grades with regard to remedial difficulties).  See the IEB policy and procedures for more detailed information.

What is the process for accomodations?

  • Notable concern from the teacher/s.

  • A parent meeting is held to establish and inform:

  1. History of difficulty

  2. All previous assessment

  3. Emotional concerns which may include anxiety

  4. Changes to the home/school environment


  • Referral to the Educational Psychologist for a full educational assessment. This referral needs to be in written form and needs to be compliant with provincial policies regarding accommodations.

  • The Educational Psychologist reports back to parents.

  • The Educational Psychologist reports back to school. A copy of this report must go into the file together with supporting evidence from the teacher/s.

  • The school makes decisions based on the educational report’s recommendations and teacher input. These recommendations need to comply with the provincial educational department policy and procedures with respect to the accommodations.


The school puts the following in writing to parent:


  1. Accommodations that the school can offer: time, prompter, reader, facilitator, scribe, spelling.

  2. Cost of these accommodations e.g. facilitator, reader etc. 

  3. A reminder that the provincial education department concession committee makes the final decision.


  • Parent meeting to discuss accommodations and a careful explanation to the child. A record of this meeting is to be filed.

  • Accommodations are put into place.

  • Ongoing assessment of process to establish effectiveness.

  • Application to the provincial concessions committee.

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