Psycho-Educational Assessments
Psycho-Educational Assessments
Career Assessments
What is a Career Assessment and Guidance?
Career development and career guidance is the process which assist an individual in developing a work identity.
Career guidance is a developmental program that assists young individuals in making mature, informed educational and career choices.
How does Career Assessment and Guidance benefit your child?
The goal with career guidance is to establish a link between the internal career (interest, personality, abilities, skills, aptitude, self-concept, values and beliefs) and the external career (view of success, career anchors and stage of career).
We reach this goal by enhancing the individual’s self observation and self-knowledge, exploring maturation (self-development) and career options
and facilitating an informed career choice and career plan.
Nevika Singh of the University of Pretoria investigated the career guidance needs of post-secondary learners in South Africa and found that learners have a dire need for:
Assistance in overcoming career confusion
Information about improving grade 12 results
Information on opportunities such as learner ships and employment
Information about educational goals
Opportunities in the post-secondary environment
Support in overcoming constraints such as career confusion and financial challenges
These needs are addressed through career guidance and counselling by means of various screening media.
Services offered are:
Child Psychologist Strand, Child Psychologist Gordons bay, Educational Psychologist Strand, Educational Psychologist Gordons bay, ADHD Cape Town